Utilities such as San Diego Gas & Electric are trying to frustrate rooftop solar. But despite all the utilities' clout and big bucks, rooftop solar will prevail some day.

SDG&E, Edison, PG&E battle rooftop solar
July 3, 2013
Study: CPUC and Edison collaborated to scam ratepayers
July 5, 2013 · Don Bauder
SDG&E consumers got fleeced, too, over San Onofre costs
San Diego attorneys Mike Aguirre and Maria (Mia) Severson filed a report with the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) July 3 stating that Southern California Edison and CPUC bureaucrats schemed to double-whammy ratepayers. San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) owns …
Ratepayers should pick up the tab for San Onofre closure, utility says
August 13, 2013 · Dave Rice
Southern California Edison, former operator of the shuttered San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, claimed yesterday (August 12) that its customers should bear the cost of prematurely shuttering the plant, as reported in the Los Angeles Times. According to Edison, “If …