At the turn of the millennium, the American Film Institute named Billy Wilder’s 1959 comedy Some Like it Hot the number one funny movie in American cinema. One of the criteria for inclusion on the list …

As an undergraduate at Thomas Aquinas College near Ojai, California, Matthew Lickona co-founded and ran The Hype, a college lit-mag printed on the school's copier and sold at a dollar a copy to pay off speeding tickets acquired while trying to make movie times in Los Angeles. This may or may not have helped him to land a job at the Reader upon graduation in 1995, but the paper did reprint some of his collegiate Easter Island-based cartoons, and later, his Mudflap Girls series. He has been at the paper ever since, in a variety of capacities: feature writer, wine columnist, church reviewer, restaurant critic, television columnist, editor at large, and now, film critic. Plus some other stuff under various pseudonyms.
He is the author of a couple of books (Swimming with Scapulars, Surfing with Mel), and his essays have appeared in places like The Awl,, and Doublethink. In his spare time, he likes to write movie pitches and country songs.
Articles by Matthew Lickona
The news of late has been full of stories about the price of eggs; some pundits have gone so far as to suggest that it tipped the recent Presidential election. It’s not just a lot …
“There’s a divinity that shapes our ends, rough-hew them how we will.” — Hamlet, Act 5, Scene 2When a man reaches a certain age, he’s liable to have favorite Simpsons jokes. One of mine comes …
“Legalize it, don’t criticize it,” went the old Peter Tosh song. It sounds so simple — until you remember that “legalize” means bringing in the law, and the law is never simple. For the law, …
On September 19, piano rocker Ben Folds brought his Paper Airplane Request Tour to the Epstein Family Amphitheater on the UCSD campus. The hook: write your request, sail it onto the stage, and if Folds …
Thanks for noticingLost Abbey finds a new wayAnderson’s apogeesAntique modernHeavenly hall undergroundMounting MadraParent-friendly playgroundThe van man canPeaceful, eaze-y feeling
This summer, a friend gave me a copy of Daniel Gross and Tyler Cowan’s book Talent (maybe he thought it would help). He also suggested I listen to Cowan’s podcast, Conversations with Tyler. I started …
The lights of a thousand electronic slot machines flash and glow in the cavernous entrance hall of Harrah’s Resort Southern California in Valley Center. The games have names like Buffalo Gold, Treasure Ball, and Dragon …
“I don’t often notice my surroundings, but I like wood,” says my daughter as we take a seat at the bar inside Part Time Lover. “It makes it feel like a place where people actually …