What am I doing in Eastlake? The western end of the loop consists of a series of shopping centers, all butted up against Eastlake Parkway, and all bearing names that declare their neighborhood allegiance: Eastlake …

Susan Luzzaro received her Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing from San Diego State University. Her poetry and creative nonfiction have been published in a number of prominent literary journals. West End Press published her second collection of poetry, Flesh Envelope.
Susan grew up in Chula Vista and came from a long line of educators — she developed an expertise on educational issues. She had family members employed in various capacities at San Diego Unified, National School District, Sweetwater Union High School and Chula Vista Elementary School District.
Susan started writing for the Reader in 1999. She passed away on May 1, 2017.
Articles by Susan Luzzaro (RIP)
Valley Love The Lower Sweetwater Valley has served as a recreational and inspirational resource. One morning I looked up on the levee and saw a colorful line of kindergartners singing to the ducks in the …
Bushwhacked We look at a Wieghorst painting called Spring Rain, a dark, impressionistic work, one of about a dozen Wieghorsts on the walls. Thackeray can remember when Wieghorst painted it. “It was raining cats and …
Low to the ground Dachshunds and the people who love them. “One afternoon in the park I said it would be fun to run one of those free classified advertisements in the Reader and see …
Peace east of Eastlake It was inevitable that there would be development. The Olympic Training Center sits on land donated by Eastlake, the sprawling development to its immediate west. Every time I pass through Eastlake, …
Chula Vista Elementary School District’s former assistant superintendent for instructional services, John Nelson III, retired last summer. As many predicted, he’s already found a new career as a consultant for a large for-profit district client. …
Aurora Clark, a community advocate, has been ordered to pay Chula Vista councilman John McCann $99,918 to cover legal bills in connection with a 2014 election challenge. According to a recent U-T article, San Diego …
Why is Chula Vista's jail filled with young Hispanic women?
The agenda for the City of Chula Vista’s council meeting on March 8 was the homeless situation in the city. After innumerable multi-colored PowerPoints, a speaker from the audience said — “the city is in …