evolution revolution my execution involved evolved mind of many unsolved mysteries corruption trusted busted all for one not for all have a christmas ball spend my money honey relieve stress mistress she's hot in a bathing suit suite meet n greet someday sunday crimes of heart stop start lady luck asking for a buck accept change fringe binge i know don't order more never enough call your bluff blow ho ho hum let's drink some rum pa rumpa pum pum pa rumpa pum pum
evolution revolution my execution involved evolved mind of many unsolved mysteries corruption trusted busted all for one not for all have a christmas ball spend my money honey relieve stress mistress she's hot in a bathing suit suite meet n greet someday sunday crimes of heart stop start lady luck asking for a buck accept change fringe binge i know don't order more never enough call your bluff blow ho ho hum let's drink some rum pa rumpa pum pum pa rumpa pum pum