Bad habit In this week’s Reader (Volume 45/No. 42), I was appalled and truly disappointed in the Reader for allowing a full-page ad for cigarettes! This is a giant step backward in trying to encourage …
News & Stories
Appalled by cigarette ad, frightened by Gloria
October 28, 2020
Charger Corey Liuget gives $1000 to Barbara Bry
Doped-up donor An ex-San Diego Chargers defensive tackle with a history of doping has given $1000 to San Diego city councilwoman Barbara Bry’s mayoral campaign. Corey Liuget, a 2011 first-round Chargers pick, is currently on …
October 28, 2020
San Diego's secret and not-so-secret Trump supporters
Trump is a racist, his critics charge. He’s a clown. He’s a narcissist, a blowhard, an asshole. He’s despicable, deplorable, and so (as Hillary Clinton said four years ago) are his supporters. “I’d rather vote …
October 28, 2020
McDonald’s sauce gun trivia
Dear Hipster: What will be the top recreational drugs for hipsters in 2021? I’m guessing booze and buds, but not necessarily in that order, and I could be wrong. Anything else that may be on …
October 28, 2020