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What's Worse -- The Dentist or Rachel Ray?
I had the correct usage in the blog, just not the proper spelling. I finally got my speakers working on my computer. Good song, Pistol. On a side note, what did you think of Jack Black singing the tune in High Fidelity?— January 6, 2010 1:09 a.m.
In Sum
Don't get your hopes up, shizzy. I was so excited when the Coens bought the rights to an Elmore Leonard novel that had come out about 15 years ago. It's yet to be made. Also...the movie started with the Airplane's Somebody to Love, from Surrealistic Pillow, one of the many great classic albums of 1967. Yet, when the record store calls to hound the lead character about joining, he mentions CCRs Cosmo's Factory and Santana's Abraxas. Both classic albums, but that didn't come out until 1970. When I was talking about this at a party, a music buff also pointed out that the band line-up the last rabbi mentions (what a great scene, by the way) mentions a line-up that wasn't accurate for 1967, either. A Serious Man was great, though.— January 5, 2010 9:57 p.m.
What's Worse -- The Dentist or Rachel Ray?
Magic...I like it more when they ask if I need help to the car. Yeah, I need some bagger that's half my size, to carry my milk and cereal to the car trunk. Rickey...feign it out your a$$ (unfortunately, I usually have typos from typing fast and not paying attention; can't claim that on this, I just didn't know the correct spelling) Sattin...I've been in the same boat with those lines. But this is a mall where the spots are super tiny, so if you have an SUV, you're basically going to screw it up for the other cars. And if you don't, you REALLY have to get in the middle more so than usual. can you smell your dentists breath? Doesn't she wear a mask? i've noticed over the years, they've gone to the masks.— January 5, 2010 9:48 p.m.
Top 10 Movies of 2009
Yeah, I saw it in Hillcrest also. And why is he putting An Education on a "blockbuster" list? He claims that he does this because the indie crowd gets mad if it's all blockbusters, and the other crowd gets mad if he does a list of pictures they've never heard of. Well, tell them to all go jump off a cliff. A good movie is a good movie. If the ten best of the year are all indie pictures, so be it. If they're all blockbusters like Avatar, oh well. Usually, I'm guessing, it would be a nice mix of both. I swear, the amount of times I talk film with someone, and they want to go on and on about these indie movies that are so great, and I like to say that...there are just as many bad indie films as there are big blockbusters. They just had a smaller budget. When I saw the Hangover, it was WELL BEFORE that incident with his daughter happened.— January 5, 2010 11:26 a.m.
Top 10 Movies of 2009
I just looked at Roger Eberts list. First, he copped out and made two lists. One for indie films, the other for "blockbusters". Lame. On his blockbuster list, he has the Nicolas Cage movie Bad Lieutenant. That amazes me. It had some great scenes, but was very poorly written in so many places. He also has "An Education" (not sure why that's on the blockbuster list), which is good, but not great (and a bit unbelievable, even though it's based on a journalists real story). Hurt Locker and Precious will be on many critics Top 10 lists, but really shouldn't be. Good movies that aren't great. But what blew me away was on his indie list, he had "Julia", perhaps the most disappointing movie this year. The first half is so great, as we watch an alcoholic (played wonderfully by the always great Tilda Swinton) mess up time and time again. But it ends up getting so crazy, and characters do things they would've never done, that you really just stop carrying at that point.— January 5, 2010 1:18 a.m.
Top 10 Movies of 2009
Shizz...I met a guy working post-production at the movies recently (used him in Off the Cuff, too). He told a great story about Moon and how inexpensive it was to make it look like that, and how other studios are using the same company that did it. I can't remember all the great details, though. The Tyson scenes in Hangover would've been okay, if we didn't see them all in the commercial. Had that right cross come out of left field, while he's doing the Phil Collins drum solo...okay, that's funny. But not when we already knew it was coming. Regarding chemistry among the actors in Avatar, I thought Zoe (in her alien makeup) and the Marine, have lots of chemistry.— January 5, 2010 1:01 a.m.
Drawing Guns at High Noon (or at half time of an NBA game)
Letterman just did a Top 10 list on this. It wasn't very funny. The best were: When you're 6'4", 215 lbs, you need some protection. --sick of Tiger Woods getting all the attention. --Secret Santa rules don't say anything about not giving guns. --Coach didn't specify what kind of "shoot around" it was. And the number one reason..."My exploding underpants didn't work.— January 5, 2010 12:19 a.m.
Top 10 Movies of 2009
Good list, but a few things. What the heck is Li Tong? And, I've always wanted to sound like a one of those pretentious, New Yorker reading pompous book snobs and say this about a movie. I'll say it about "Where the Wild Things Are". THE BOOK WAS BETTER! Ya know what? I completely forgot about Sunshine Cleaning. It's not as good as the directors previous film (Little Miss Sunshine), but I would've easily put it on my list for this year. So...I'm redoing my list. Dropping "Adventureland" and replacing it with "Sunshine Cleaning".— January 4, 2010 7 p.m.
April in Winter
Very good point, storyteller. I always hate when someone interviews a celebrity and they end by saying "You're one of my favorite actors and I'm really looking forward to the movie," and they hand the microphone back to the celebrity, so they can say "Thank you." I guess I should've used a sports example for that. But yeah, I donate to a few charities and I agree, I don't want to milk any "thank you" moments, but I sure love it a lot more when a thank you is thrown out and you feel appreciated.— January 4, 2010 6:14 p.m.
RUSHed to the Hospital
Sure. I mean, he'd probably eat all the h'orderves, least there'd be lots of pills and things to liven up the party.— January 4, 2010 6:08 p.m.