Sean Wilson
From El Cajon (Emergency Servies)
I am completely afraid of being lost in the middle of the ocean, because there’s nothing out there but sharks and stuff. Anything out where I can’t see land would be terrifying...which way do you swim?
Thomas Elhers
From El Cajon (Administrative Assistant)
Two things: I don’t like dirt — it’s dirty, unhygienic, it’s disgusting. The other thing is falling: I don’t like the physical feeling in my stomach, and I don’t like the feeling of lost control.
Holly Elam
From Rancho San Diego (Bored Housewife)
I am deathly afraid of caves. There could be a cave-in and I could easily be trapped in there to die a slow, horrible, painful death.
Corey Hansen
From El Cajon (Unemployed)
Intense diseases; they can happen randomly to anyone even if they seem super healthy. I just hope I never do, so I don’t have to go through it. Also, they’re really expensive, I bet.