Jim Hickey
From Point Loma (Gas Station Owner)
Sometimes I dream about cops. But a lot of times I dream about my gas station, like someone driving through one of the gas pumps and a fire and explosion happening. I only seem to dream every ten days. Or, if I dream more than that, I don't remember what they are.
Jane Loveday
From Point Loma (Real Estate)
Yes, that I am being chased or that I'm chasing someone. Twice a week, and I wake up scared. And I can't get back to sleep, either. I end up analyzing it and wondering how it relates to what is going on in my real life. The last two nights I've been chased. I hate it.
Steve Sherrill
From Fashion Valley (Network Administrator)
Falling...or driving my car off an embankment. Sometimes it's taking my mountain bike over a ledge and anticipating the impact. Anything where I'm falling and expect an impact seems to recur. I don't always wake up. Sometimes the dream switches to other scenarios, because my mind knows I'm not going to die. I seem to have these dreams once or twice a month.
Janis Danielson
From National City (Secretary)
I have two. The one I like is where I'm usually finding sunken treasure when I'm out on a boat or some kind of yacht. It started as a kid after a trip to Disneyland and seeing the stuff in a gift shop. The recurring nightmare also happens on the water. It's a huge shark attacking me. I have that dream every few weeks. The crazy thing is, I never go in the water. So neither of those things are likely to ever happen.
Jaimie Maher
From El Cajon (Medical Office)
I am falling off a building and yelling and nothing comes out. This happens once a month. It's been happening since I was a teenager. I wake up in a daze but am so glad it's just a dream and not reality. I think the fact that the dream has such an impact is probably why I dream about it again.
Lola Johnson
From Mira Mesa (Medical Field)
Since I was little, I would have nightmares about my brother's toy Transformers. They would be huge. Recently, I saw a clip of the movie, and it was freaking me out. I have the dream every month and have since I was a kid. It starts in a huge warehouse with high ceilings. I try finding my way out, and I run to railroad tracks. They are stomping right behind me.