Eric Einhorn
From San Carlos (Marketing)
Ed Wood. It was awful. It was probably 40 minutes into it. And it's the only movie I've ever walked out of. I mean, it was about a B movie producer. How good could it be? I was with a buddy of mine. He didn't mind us leaving. I think we were the only ones in the theater. I'm a Johnny Depp fan, too. I was disappointed.
Mary McDonald
From Mission Hills (Retired teacher)
Out of Africa. It was more because of my husband. I'll blame it on him. He was getting bored. Well, okay, we both were. Oh, I also walked out of the movie Lipstick. It was just awful. But now, so many people say Out of Africa is their favorite movie. Maybe we should've stayed and watched it.
Scott Whiteside
From Costa Mesa (Car dealership)
Dude, Where's My Car? I think I left after 11 minutes. It just wasn't funny. I was with other people that wanted to see it. Recently I saw Children of Men. I got halfway into it before I left. It was so slow to set up, and it was predictable. I finally gave up on it. I'm usually into action-adventures or epics.
Eric Russell
From Davis (University faculty)
Galaxy Quest. I got to the 20-minute mark, and I didn't want to stay. I ended up seeing it later, and it was all right. Usually I won't leave a theater if a movie is bad; I'll just fall I did during The Bachelor. I do that during any Renée Zellweger movie. At home, it's easier: you're on the couch, you have takes the edge off a bad movie.
Gary Pluth
From University Heights (Hypnotherapist)
The Incredibles, but not because it was bad. I just got a phone call. The last bad movie, well, it was probably The Lost Boys. I was religious at the time. My girlfriend and I...well, the movie just seemed scandalous to us then. We got up and left after about 20 minutes. We didn't care for the themes, and it was a little too violent.
Janelle Dill
From Escondido (Photographer)
About Schmidt. My husband and I were just bored out of our minds. We left about 20 minutes into it. I think that's the only movie we've ever left. We've rented movies that we stopped watching, like Brothers Grimm or New World. A movie has to be pretty bad for us to shut it off.