In Tijuana, you ride the rollercoaster that is the city and then you wait in line to leave. The journey out of one of the most chaotic cities in the world culminates in an equally …
News & Stories
The Sentri pass, crossing at Otay, the annoying seagulls
August 3, 2022
How long will the Union-Tribune stay daily?
Weeklies masquerading as dailies When is a daily newspaper no longer a true daily? That’s the too-close-to-home question that’s been raised by the Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University in Chicago. “Across the country, …
August 3, 2022
Going full grammar-guy on public radio
Is it just me? Harken to KPBS: “Thank you for listening and supporting KPBS…” This is KPBS, member-supported radio, with assets of, what, $75 million? You do a double take. Say what? “Thank you for …
August 3, 2022
Mexico City comes to Coronado High
“Hey, Eduardo!” Pedro, 16, shouts out some joking conversation that’s way too fast for my halting Spanish. Luckily, he’s talking to his three pals and not me. The four of them, all 16-year-olds, have plopped …
August 3, 2022