Letters about letters

Straight From the Plaintiff

Don Bauder’s story “San Diego Builds into Convention Center Glut” (City Lights) said “the fact that citizens could not vote on the hotel tax — although extremely dubious — was upheld by a court.” True, but that ruling will be appealed within the next 30 days. I should know, I’m the plaintiff.

  • Mel Shapiro
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Don’s a Keeper

I was aghast when I read Jay’s letter to the editor, “Too Thin,” on August 8, complaining that Diary of a Diva has been reduced to every other week and requesting return of Off the Cuff section. Neither of these changes bother me.


What really pisses me off is that he complains about Don Bauder’s column. For me, Don Bauder’s articles in the City Lights section is the highlight of the paper. His articles are enlightening, with good investigative journalism — something that is sorely missing here in San Diego.

I have been reading the Reader since its inception in the ’70s. Keep it up and don’t ever get rid of Don.

  • Suzanne Roth
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Writer Ranking

I totally disagree with Jay (Letters: “Too Thin, August 8). Don Bauder is my favorite. Second is Elizabeth Salaam. They both are terrific investigative reporters. Third would be Ed Bedford. He makes eating more fun.

  • Hung Nguyen
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We beg of you...please return the Matthew Alice column before there’s some kind of civil unrest. Isn’t there someone who can fill the shoes of the late great Matthew Alice? We would even be happy with the Reader running “classics” from the past decade or so.

  • Minutia Deprived in Downtown
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Biweekly Barb

Just a comment. I saw Barbarella on Cox 807. The program was called Art Pulse. Now that her column, Diary of a Diva, is biweekly I guess she will be doing this program. Good for her. I still look forward to the column every other week.

  • Name Withheld
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Looking at the advertisements for local marijuana dispensaries, I’m wondering if some of these places are selling marijuana or attractive young women?

  • KA Sleeth
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