
Stuff I Don’t Like

Re the July 15 “What’s Your News IQ?” Answers on page 64, what? If you are looking for space in future issues, put them in the “Rhyme & Verse” column. Can you please bring back comic strips Thingpart and that one with the guy with the bald head and goatee? Anything is better than Slow Wave or Zippy. Thank you!

Glenn Thomson
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Cartoonist Joey Sayers stopped drawing Thingpart sometime last year. — Editor



The answers to “What’s Your News IQ?” were accidentally omitted last week. They are on page 64.

The End

Re “I’m Broke. I Need My Keys” (“City Lights,” July 15).

OMG. Most heart-wrenching ending to any article I’ve read in a while.

Michael Whiteside
via Facebook

Sad x 2

The people tearing his home apart would have taken the whole safe if they weren’t able to find out what was in it (“I’m Broke. I Need My Keys,” “City Lights,” July 15). It could have held explosives or more guns or anything. This is sad but not really that surprising — which is even more sad.

Tami Witten Stewart
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Now You’ve Spoiled It

There are few secret places left in California. This article (“Gather No Moss,” July 15) is a billboard to all those freaks who want to leave trash and take E while they are in the desert with loud music. How can you post a secret place like this? No markers, no maps, no advertisements in the newsletters. This was a place where we could go and count on being alone, quiet, and enjoy the beauty and quiet of the desert. This is sure to ruin that. Just wait to hear now about the stupid party ravers getting lost out here while on drugs.

Name Withheld
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I’ve Been Meaning To Write

This is too late for the “Typo Patrol,” but I thought I’d alert you to an error that I first noticed in the Reader about 25 or 30 years ago that still hasn’t been corrected. In Duncan Shepherd’s capsule review of To Have and Have Not (July 8), he refers to it being set in “exotic Mozambique” (in Africa), when it’s actually in Martinique (in the Caribbean). I don’t think even Bogart’s character was a good enough fishing boat captain to carry them from Mozambique to South America on his little boat.

Jim Means
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Duncan Shepherd replies: I wish you’d pointed it out 25 or 30 years ago.

Diva Search

Good to see Barb back writing her column (“Diary of a Diva”). I searched through last week’s Reader three times looking for her article and wondered if perhaps she was no longer with your paper. Glad to see her back and appreciate her sharing her latest escapade.

Neal Henson
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