Glitzy nostalgia porn

That's why Marvel and not DC

Guardians of the Galaxy — Hipsters love retro shit.

Dear Hipster: So, we have Marvel movies and DC movies, both killing it at the box office these days. November will see Justice League and Ragnarok in cinemas at the same time. What I, and the rest of the world, want to know is, who is more hipster, Marvel or DC? — Beta Ray Bill


Oh, totally Marvel. No question. Hipsters totes love retro shit, as everybody knows, and ever since Guardians of the Galaxy, Marvel studios has been cultivating a careful image of glitzy nostalgia porn. Take a peek at the Ragnarok posters, or even the trailer. That movie looks like sprung fully formed from the wet dreams of a pubescent suburban fanboy wearing a Three Wolf Moon shirt, fantasizing about taking his uncle’s new Iroc Z28 (with the busty lady and the wizard airbrushed on the hood) to the Terminator 2 premiere. It’s a “Ride the Lightning” poster and a Dungeons and Dragons set away from glory, and I mean that in the best way possible.

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