Homeopathic doctor said what?

Medical board levels charges against "Be Well Associates" physician

The Medical Board of California has filed an accusation against Dan Orville Harper, MD, who practices at Be Well Associates in Solana Beach. He is charged with negligence, gross negligence, and unprofessional conduct in his practice of treatments such as homeopathy and ozone therapy.

For example, the board points out that Harper "treats his patients with 'energy medicine' created by him through the alleged transference of frequencies or 'energies' from one bottle to another through his use of the 'remedy maker' machine which he claims imbues the latter bottle with healing properties."


However, the board says, "There is no evidence that any homeopathic remedies can be exactly replicated or transferred by any machine" in the manner Harper describes.

Harper also uses "craniosacral therapy" or healing touch. (Craniosacral therapy is a holistic healing practices using light touching on the body.) He said he learned craniosacral therapy from a young Native American woman when he was living in Montana. He was asked where she learned the technique. His reply: "One of the medicine men up in the Flathead Valley taught her." He says the technique pulls out negative energy in the patients' area.

He is also charged with other offenses, such as keeping inadequate records on patients. Possible penalties could range from probation to losing his license

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