Doctor enjoyed 'shrooms and ecstasy

Two San Diego physicians get probation

Two San Diego physicians, Jason Roman Hess and Bret Robert Gerber, have been given probation by the Medical Board of California in decisions that became effective August 27.


Hess was given five years of probation. He had received a DUI citation in June of 2013. He had two prior offenses. As a condition of probation, he will have to abstain from use of alcohol and controlled substances.

Gerber got probation for two years. In August of 2013, he was stopped by police. He admitted he had the drug known as ecstasy in his vehicle. He also had psilocybin mushrooms. In a later interview with the medical board, he acknowledged having a history of recreational drug use — "mushrooms and ecstasy," he said, which he only uses "once or twice a year." As a condition of probation, he will have to abstain from use of controlled substances.

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