Musical board seats

Looking ahead, Joel Anderson has already set up a fundraising committee for a 2020 county supervisor run.

After a lengthy wait, term limits are finally kicking in for members of the county Board of Supervisors, opening up a merry-go-round of possibilities for elected officials being termed out of other jobs. Republican state senator Joel Anderson, easily re-elected this past November to a second four-year term, has already declared his intention to run in 2020 for the second district supervisorial seat. The longtime incumbent is his fellow Republican Dianne Jacob, allowed to run one more time in 2016. The far-sighted Anderson has also set up a fundraising committee for the 2020 campaign. …


UCSD professor of international political economy Richard Feinberg was once a special assistant to president Bill Clinton, which may help explain his quote in a recent Tribune News Service story about the benefits of the Obama administration’s diplomatic recognition of Cuba: “Cuban cigars are associated with the good life: sun, surf and sex.” ...

The name of the Navy’s San Diego–based Fleet Intelligence Training Command has been changed to the Center for Information Dominance, San Diego Unit. So says a memo from the chief of naval operations, which adds that the group’s revised mission is “to deliver full spectrum cyber, information warfare, intelligence, and information technology training to information dominance corps and joint service professionals from other warfare disciplines, to enable assured command and control; battle space awareness; and integrated fires across the range of military operations.”

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