Don't Let the Bald Head Fool You

Bassist/songwriter Eric Verniere says the latest, local incarnation of the Wrecking Dead is "...a psychobilly band, but we don't do that whole silly zombie thing."

Born in the U.S., Verniere moved with his family to Denmark when he was five months old. He returns to Denmark once a year. The first version of the Wrecking Dead, based in Copenhagen, put out an EP with what appears to be a skinhead gang on the back cover.


"They are not skinheads; we called them 'firms.' They are groups of soccer hooligans. Some of my acquaintances used to go to soccer games and basically beat the shit out of people. I come from a punk oi background. People think Denmark is a la-di-dah, fairy-tale country, but it has its nasty side."

He says Wrecking Dead lyrics have always been about taking pride in one's country, "...instead of shitting on your country like some punk bands do.... Every country is losing its culture to globalization. Every country is losing its uniqueness. I want to use punk rock to go against grayness and global conformity....

"Over here, punk rock means getting a Mohawk and pissing off your rich daddy. To me, punk rock means going against the grain. Denmark is a very organized and controlled society. You are not allowed to let loose your inner Viking. Everything is so PC; you're not allowed to be a man anymore.... Americans express their rage on the road. When hooligans go to a soccer game, it is their chance to blow off steam."

Verniere reformed the Wrecking Dead when he moved to New Jersey in 2001. The third version includes former members of local psychobilly bands the Formaldehydes and the Kryptonix. Wrecking Dead ( appear November 16 at Dream Street.

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