Ex-Californian attacks loud music in restaurants

The truth from Lemon Grove

“Order wouldn’t exist without chaos and music can’t exist without noise. It is the unstructured stuff that gives the structured stuff structure,” notes SDSU music professor Christopher Warren.

Restaurant noise

On the topic of "aural invasions"(“How will the Padres fix Gallagher Square?”, Cover Story, August 23): One thing that bothers my wife (German) and I (expatriate Californian) when we visit the U.S. lately is the overwhelming loudness of music in restaurants. Calm conversation is impossible; shouting is the norm. At the risk of sounding snobbish I'd nevertheless say European restaurants are far more congenial in this respect — eateries with music keep it in the background. I was surprised that Thomas Larson didn't mention this baneful situation in his article, unless everyone in the US is too musically oversaturated to notice anymore?



Border smell


Karine Jean-Pierre go back to your job at the White House and take your Chanel dress with you.(“Biden Administration seeks to reassure South Bay Residents in wake of recent rumors”, SD on the QT, September 8) I have lived in San Diego for 70 years. The human shit and trash runoff from Tijuana is not "Bullshit" But you are bullshit walking and spewing bullshit out of your mouth. White House Press Secretary my ass. Peddle your bullshit somewhere else, People here have been living with this "Bullshit" for decades, the horrible smell, the poisons flowing into the ocean. Oh and living with the lies from our "un stinking" government......oh yes.....we will give you millions, billions or our left nut to fix this issue! When Pigs Fly .

The morons who are running just about every job in the United State could give a crap about the people who live in the USA. Perhaps you should put your focus back where it belongs.......HERE IN OUR UNITED STATES!

Joe Biden, mighty big of you to give a whopping $700.00 per person/family on Maui after the fires after how many millions, billons and maybe both your nuts. I'm so glad I voted against you.

L.G. Brandon

Lemon Grove

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