When were the Torrey pines there?

Rescue Mission, not tents

View of the five Torrey pines provided by Michael Deftos to the Del Mar Times

What’s the real Torrey story?

Regarding the dispute over protected Torrey Pines obstructing views ("Del Mar Torrey pine headed for pruning suffers big limb break," Dec 29), I would like to know whether the trees in dispute were there before the Deftos purchased their home and whether they moved in accepting they are there. I also wonder what environmental groups they support. Seems these days everyone is righteous about protecting trees and the environment until it inconveniences them.

  • Name Withheld
  • Mission Hills

Rescue Mission to the rescue?

I’d like to comment on Neal Obermeyer’s cartoon listing the possible solutions to homelessness in San Diego to his elves. The homeless problem can best be solved by churches and faith-based organizations. Leftist organizations that provide tents and protest are another aspect of the problem. I have observed examples of all of this going on in downtown LA and San Diego.

Organizations like Father Joe’s Village the Salvation Army Koch Center, and the San Diego Rescue Mission provide the real solution, not the government. As we all know millions upon millions of dollars have been thrown at the homeless problem to no avail. The Rescue Mission has five goals: 1. Encounter God, 2. Experience Recovery, 3. Engage Job Training and Placement, 4. Establishment Housing and 5. Enlist Support Network. So, during this Christmas and New Year season, consider giving and volunteering for one of these great organizations that have working to solve the crisis for decades.

  • Mark A. Peter
  • Solana Beach
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