Dan: a man with a plan

San Diego Prowlers – a happy story

“I would prefer these people get the help they need – treatment and housing. They’re struggling. And, it’s unfortunate they’re harming businesses in the area.”

Dan: a man with a plan

Dan has a vision predicated on many trips around the world. He knows firsthand what world-class cities have for infrastructure and transportation.

Dan is going to reform the political corruption that is responsible for the staggering debt and failed real estate deals that have cost the City billions of dollars.

During the first year of his administration, he will: change the City Charter to insure all new City employees and elected officials are enrolled in social security. This will allow the City to get out of the pension business which has enriched city employees at the expense of the taxpayer.

Change the City charter to prohibit the City of San Diego from selling its real estate. Using the Port District as a model, leasing the land will keep the land for future San Diegians while providing stable income instead of taxes. All future rezones will require the applicant to sell the property to the City valued under the old zoning and the city will lease the land back to the applicant. This will eventually result in the City becoming self-sufficient like the Port District.

He will work with the City Council to take back Horton Plaza from the developers who are currently in violation of their covenant with the City. His vision is to build an emblematic “15 minute City” high rise on Horton Plaza with retail, business, housing, government and everything you need in a city that will eliminate the need for cars.

Dan being politically independent will end favoritism, special interests and political corruption. His administration will include all political parties.

Rich Riel

San Diego


Sarcasm detected

Homelessness? (“East Village sidewalk tents not dwindling”, Cover Story, Dec. 13 2023) The answer is simple: Keep Voting Democrat. Like Bidenomics, open borders, and cashless bail, it’ll solve everything.

David Ross

North Park

Happy story, 

happy reader

Your article covers all bases; a good story, colorful characters and a first class journalist (“San Diego Prowlers Hot Rod Club members push 80”, Golden Dreams, Dec. 13, 2023). A happy story is a treat in this day and age. It is as much fun reading your coverage of the “Jamul Garage Tour 2023” as attending the event. Thank you David Kohanyi, “YOU’RE THE MAN!”

Bruce Hamilton

Spring Valley

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