Local activist group calls billboards along Martin Luther King, Jr. Freeway “economic racism.”


Clockwise from upper left: weed and wine, weed, weed, booze, gambling, abortion. (Final image is taken from majority-POC neighborhood of City Heights.)

“Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. was an American Hero who championed the rights of the oppressed, one who is rightly honored with the naming of a Freeway passing through a traditionally POC part of America’s Finest city,” says Dr. Natasha Trigger-Warning, spokeswoman for Black Ladies Against Corporate King-Smearing (BLACKS). “He fought against the ugly stereotypes that persisted around the African-Americans of his time, and indeed, persist to this very day — that they are irresponsible, more susceptible to vice, shiftless, etc. So when we see these billboards advertising drugs, alcohol, and gambling lining the Freeway that bears his name, we see that his work is clearly unfinished. That the old stereotypes persist, to the point where corporate America makes us look at them every day as we drive to work. And don’t even get me started on that one they’ve got for Chick-Fil-A. If I want to Eat Mor Chikin, I’m heading to Popeye’s.”

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