Hillcrest brunch eaters cheering democracy

Whose word do we trust – Bentley's or Cafferty's?

The indoor dining room at Cocina de Barrio — will indoor dining close this week?

Democracy disappeared

Other than the foolish youth not understanding where socialism will lead their enthusiasm, many in our local communities are familiar with, and even accustomed to having fraudulent elections that continue until the “counting comes out right” and the new president is a well-known crime family figure (“Brunch becomes a celebration at Cocina de Barrio,” Feast! Restaurant Reviews, November 9). Of course, in our case, the “new president had been announced”, although the electors don’t vote until December 8th, and the presumed election leader may then be inaugurated (but not elected).

I once lived with my family in South America at a time just like this, and the smart thing everyone told you was to not talk in public, but merrily cheer the new leadership - lest you lose your job, have your business burned to the ground, or even have family members “disappear” into the dark night. If that’s cheering on “democracy”, well, as one who has seen this version first-hand, I can assure you, the residents are certainly going to get a belly full.

  • Name withheld
  • Poway
Cafferty’s attorney Larry Shea (left) believes his client’s only option is to take legal action. He says that the company’s refusal to look at Bentley’s retraction as well as Cafferty’s heritage shows that something much bigger may be at play. (Matthew Suárez)

Why did Bentley chase Cafferty down the road?

As a 55-year member of the working press, my critical eye noted some major issues with (“Emmanuel Cafferty is not a white supremacist, Cover story, November 26). 1. Did the writer or anyone else at the the San Diego Reader see the David Bentley grab shot? If yes, it should have accompanied the story. If no, you’re taking someone else’s word, including the offended Cafferty. 2. Did Cafferty simply pass by the protest group or did he stop? If he didn’t stop, Bentley would have been hard pressed to get his shot. 3. Why did Bentley chase Cafferty down the road if he already had an incriminating photo? 4. Why did SDG&E take Cafferty’s truck, laptop and badge before interviewing him? 5. Why didn’t the writer try to interview SDG&E or the holier-than-thou David Bentley about his post or his later disavowal? 6. The writer included many extraneous details (U-turn to get lunch, etc. etc.).


Let’s hope you follow up with the outcome of this drama.

  • Dale Rodebaugh
  • Kensington

Many points about Todd

I’m writing in chime in response to two Reader letters section entries, September 24 and October 29, 2020. Two separate letters editorially headlined “goading Gloria”, about one of two “Democratic” applicants for city mayor.

The letters focused on possibly fascistic, graft, corruption malfeasance issues: Mr. Smiechowski points to Todd’s record on unregulating motorized scooter traffic. And Mr. Robertson refers to extreme re-configuration changes to auto, truck and bus traffic space to bicycle lanes.

This writer could also question Todd’s part in the destruction of what in recent memory a San Diego retail/commercial jewel of private enterprise business, the now gone Horton Plaza, and adjacent park, of many years, converted into a semi-permanent eyesore rubble-pile.

Also, to tell of Todd’s part for the continued California state Democrat effort to destroy and subvert the U.S.A. Constitution by efforts to end Second Amendment right of the people to have self-defense, for example acting the stop Del Mar gun show sales.

Meanwhile after positions on city council, and state assembly offices what positive accomplishment has Todd done to lead and represent to earn taxpayer funding pay? Does a bronze plaque outside “central library” skyscraper count?

As reliable memory serves, Todd’s first foot-in-the-political-door was about 2008 San Diego city council. An office gotten as only, one of one, candidate. Really, as weak as San Diego city per capita job market has tended, can anyone honestly believe that no one else local cared to even apply to have a high paid, no-heavy- lifting fast-track to extreme pay, fame and social influence position which only obvious qualification are showing up in a politician suit for five or so hours a day, three days or so a week?

Doesn’t it appear that Todd’s first placement was no democratic true election, rather a vested interest appointment – which some could call an anointing? One wonders too if it is reasonable to have reliable trust in November ‘20 election reported results here in California, a “golden state” widely believed to be the state-of-the-craft pre-eminent in U.S.A. election deceit and fraud malfeasance manipulation.

San Diego Voter Registrar bureaucracy reported that Todd got 56% of the vote, leading to candidate Barbara Bry’s concession several days after the polls closed November third. One thinks that, either the reported results by local daily U.T., are bogus and fraud, or, that 56% of San Diego registered voters are more ill-will depraved and ignorant than this fellow would like to believe.

Todd has claimed to be “a person of color”; has he disclosed publicly to anyone what color he claims to be?

That Todd is scheduled to be city mayor December tenth, 2020 is alarming –and not the type of alarm that government labor association firefighters are apt to usefully help get right.

  • Bob E. Cristenson
  • United States
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