Shop Ebay and Poshmark for hot weather deals

Right now there is less competition for sweaters, jackets, and long pants.

Warm clothes can be found for the lowest prices of the year right now

Summer is the best time of the year to shop for clothes. As temperatures warm, prices drop. Few men seem aware of this. The hot months bring the lowest prices of the year for most men’s clothing. Take advantage while you can.

The highest, most consistent savings will be found at thrift stores. Thrift stores give you the best value for the money as a universal rule, excepting socks and underwear. This is even more true starting around now, when there’s less competition for categories such as sweaters, jackets, and long pants.


Summer also sees a boom in garage sales. They’re less reliable for clothes than thrift stores, but if you can find one held by a guy in your size, it’ll be a windfall. Prices will be rock bottom and open to negotiation.

Second-hand apparel can be found for a steal online, as well. Experienced clothing sellers anticipate a phenomenon called the “summer slump” and will drop their prices to keep their inventories moving. Ebay and Poshmark are even richer gold mines during this time of year.

If you prefer to buy new clothes (you should reconsider), there are still lots of deals to be found. Clearance racks can be fruitful, but big clothing companies offload more inventory by selling in bulk and offering deep discounts on the internet. You can take advantage of the latter easily.

Check the websites of whatever brands you like. You will find some great markdowns on warmer items. Saving $50 on a $200 windbreaker isn’t as good of a feeling as snagging it for $10 at a Goodwill, but it’s better than paying full price come autumn.

When fall does come, turn around and stock up on swim trunks. If you’re buying seasonally, you’re wasting money.

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