The fickle Chargers fans

From 44K Facebook unlikes to 89K Instagram views of Melvin Gordon TD

Teri (in middle): "I wavered for the first year."

On January 6, after the Los Angeles Chargers beat the Baltimore Ravens 23-17, the former San Diego team's social media accounts jolted and "recouped some of their old fans."

In 26 hours: their Twitter account gained 800 followers; their Facebook gained 475; and their Instagram gained 3,000.

"Probably the funniest one is the trashcan one."

"I imagine some were recent jump-back-on-bandwagoners," said Teri from Allied Gardens. "I watched the game at McGregors with my friend Audra, a fellow die-hard fan. She posted quite a few things on Facebook and got the crowd all riled up."

Mike from Clairemont has been following and liking the Chargers since they played at the Jack Murphy Stadium 35-plus years ago; he noticed an increase in the Chargers' social media numbers "after the wins in Pittsburgh and then KC.

"I usually check the Chargers' social media so that I can see what people are saying about what is happening," he said, "especially when big plays happen."


That Sunday, the Chargers posted an Instagram video of when Melvin Gordon III ran a fourth-and-goal touchdown; the post garnered 88,980 views.

"I like to jump on the Chargers' Twitter to see what people are saying," said Teri. "I think it helps me feel connected to the team especially when I see tweets from the players."

The Crying Michael Jordan meme

Prior to the game on Sunday, the Ravens tweeted a video of three of their players in scary masks walking through a tunnel and captioned it: "Not clowning around."

After the Chargers won, they tweeted the same Ravens video posted earlier, but superimposed a Crying Michael Jordan face over the scary masks, and then captioned it: "this never gets old [crying emoji]."

Mike doesn't agree with the caption. "I don’t think they’re really doing anything innovative," he said. "This has been a pretty common practice by a lot of sports teams lately."

The Crying Michael Jordan is a meme in which a facial image of Jordan, six-time NBA basketball champion, is crying and then is superimposed on images of others that are experiencing adversity.

Teri's been a Chargers fan for more than 50 years and stays connected with the Chargers' social media because when she's on the road driving for Uber, she likes to see the highlights .... and "ridiculous" memes.

"Probably the funniest one," she said, "is the trashcan one."

Teri was referring to a photo of a person climbing into a large green dumpster; it's captioned: "Now where did I put that (Charger lightning bolt insignia) jersey."

"I’m sure there’s tons of people coming out of the woodwork jumping back on the bandwagon," she said.

Two years ago, when Spanos moved the team up to Los Angeles, I documented the Chargers' Facebook page garner 44,554 unlikes in 15 hours.

"I wavered for the first year," Teri said. "I wanted to hate the Chargers because I really was mad at Spanos for moving them the way they did. I love Rivers and Gates and really the whole team, so while I was a little bitter the first year that they moved. I remained a fan. Some of my friends did unlike the Chargers."

On January 7, Mike watched Chargers' Head Coach, Anthony Lynn, talk about their upcoming (AFC Divisional Round) game on January 13 against the Patriots at Gillette Stadium in Foxborough, Massachusetts -- on Facebook Live.

"As long as the defense keeps doing what they do," Mike commented, "it’s a game they can win."

Another fan commented: "Lets shock the NFL!!!!"

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