We get letters

“Exclamation mark!”

Please, Mr. Postman: Look and see if there's a letter in your bag for me!

Recently received in the Letter to the Editor voicemail:

“I would like to submit a letter, and it would say, ‘Who is your movie critic? Exclamation mark! Please do not let them rate movies while under the influence. Exclamation mark! Three stars for The 15:17 to Paris? Question mark! 'Oy,' in capital letters. O, Y. Exclamation mark!' My name is Teddy, like a Teddy Bear, Rodosovich.”


Mr. Rodosovich then proceeded to spend the remaining 90 seconds of his 120-second message spelling his last name, his street address, and his email address.

Scott Marks responds:

Dear Teddy Bear,

As my review indicated, Mr. Eastwood hired the real-life heroes to play themselves, not three stars. Other than the two orangutan pictures, I’ve never had any use for Clint Eastwood. Sorry for any misunderstanding.


Scooter Marks

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