14-year-old threatened into having sex

Dylan Wayne Cawdrey gets 46 months for preying on girl

Dylan Wayne Cawdrey, 23, was sentenced January 23 to 46 months in prison for getting a 14-year-old girl to have sex with him by threatening to do harm to those in her family. He had sex with her at an unspecified military base in Southern California.


Cawdrey admitted that In June of 2016, he sent texts to the girl, threatening to do serious harm to her loved ones if she did not perform sexual acts with him. He claimed he, too, was getting threats from the same source. When she said she did not want to perform the sex acts, he said he "didn't want to die" as a result of her refusal. The same day, she engaged in sex acts with him.

Judge William Q. Hayes said Cawdrey's conduct was "manipulative" and "diabolical." Cawdrey knew the girl was only 14.

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