Macabre content

"Thank you for this bit of joy in my stressful life."

They Don’t Speak Spanish at All

I would like to comment on this week’s article regarding people speaking Spanglish in the Tijuana area.

I used to live in Mexico, and a lot of Americans on this side of the border are always complaining that the Latin American and Mexican people don’t speak English. But while I was down there I met many Americans who don’t speak Spanish at all! There are so many people speaking Spanglish at the border who don’t even really try. Americans shouldn’t complain about Latinos speaking English, because there are thousands of Americans south of the border, and they don’t speak Spanish at all.

  • Vivian Dunbar
  • San Ysidro

Mesmerized by Matthews

Was an absolute joy to read “Seahorse Dreams” by Neal Matthews. This article kept me mesmerized — I felt I was actually there. Beautiful writing and photography!


Thank you for this bit of joy in my stressful life. And may the journeys and expeditions continue to bring joy, love, and strength to Neal and all of us who read his adventures.

  • Mrs. Anna Silva
  • Chula Vista

Surprised You Published It

While John Donne’s “A Nocturnal Upon St. Lucy’s Day” was a rare and interesting find in your December issue (Rhyme and Verse, December 15), I am surprised you published it. The poem’s content is so macabre (though intricately hidden as you correctly point out) that I would think it more appropriate for a Halloween issue.

As to your commentary on Donne, perhaps I know little about the man. However, I actually find so much mockery and defiance of God, and so much death obsession/erotica in his other works, that I would avoid terms like “deepening Christian faith” and “religious fervor” in describing them! Perhaps his read sermons were kosher, and I would say that you are what you eat; but in his case, maybe “liar, liar, pants on fire” is a more fitting verse.

  • Alice B.
  • Cardiff

Life Would Be Boring

To everybody at the San Diego Reader:

Thanks a lot for courageously publishing every week so many awesome stories, news, opinions, poems etc. Without your calendar, my life would be boring. Lastly, I am deeply grateful every time you publish any of my letters. Happy holidays and funtastic 2017.

  • Jaruska Solyova
  • La Jolla
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