A variety of letters to the editor

"You gave great prominence to some patently retrogressive ideas."

Catering to Nitwits

At last, the Reader published an article that has historical and geopolitical importance — the 9/11 article by H.G. Reza.

It seems hard to believe that the Reader continues to cater to the hair-brained population, as represented by the children of the so-called Greatest Generation — their nitwit spawn and the intolerable goofy and brain-dead millennials.

  • Name withheld
  • via voicemail

Nothing Is Sustainable

This is in response to Larry Herzog, professor at the SDSU School of Public Affairs (“Let’s Get Real Here,” Letters, September 8).

Well, when you’re making over $100,000 a year and can never be fired, it must be nice to espouse the utopian world you want us all to live in. Obviously, the Koch brothers are on your crap list.


“Sustainable development”? Sooner or later we’re going to run out of space. The world is only so big. Nothing is sustainable in life. It’s not going to work.

  • John
  • via voicemail

Keep ’em Comin’

I take delight in solving the weekly Reader crossword puzzle. My personal challenge is to complete it without resorting to Google, which is akin to walking on a tightrope without benefit of a net.

Occasionally, there is an added mystery, such as circled letters to reveal a common theme, or a common missing letter (or sometimes two!). A recent letter writer lamented that some boxes were missing a clue or a number. This was clearly intentional. Keep those crosswords coming!

  • Woody Anderson
  • Carmel Valley

Retrogressive Ideas

I realize San Diego is a conservative place and that a newspaper must reflect its readership, but your August 25 cover story, “Stop the Irrational Bike Bias,” really pushed the envelope. The article goes to great lengths to refute some of the most obvious and sensible advantages bikes have over cars. It manages to do so without even fleetingly acknowledging the problems the automobile has caused: environmental degradation, traffic congestion, obesity, and a general decline in the quality of life.

The movement towards increased bike-ability is a response to these problems, not some frivolous notion dreamed up by a sinister hippie cabal. The author says, “that’s what Americans prefer,” as if the concept of societal improvement is off the table. By that logic, I suppose we should be perfectly happy with cancer and obesity rates where they are, too. That’s just what Americans prefer, I guess.

So, you gave great prominence to some patently retrogressive ideas, as stated by anti-taxation reactionaries. Yes, I realize today’s journalistic modus operandi is to give equal time to both sides, regardless how stupid one of them may be. (That’s how the Republicans ended up with a fascist-clown presidential candidate.) But shouldn’t there also be an editorial imperative to filter out some of the truly dopey dross?

What will be on your next cover, a defense of climate change denial? Remember: the guy who claims 2+2=5 is not equally correct as the one who concludes that 2+2=4.

  • Darius Degher
  • Encinitas

Batting .500

Obermeyer misses the point of the alleged Azano donations in the 2012 mayoral race (August 25). If the object was to pick the winner, he did that, and by supporting two of the four candidates, he ended up. 500, which is the best he could do choosing two candidates in a race that only one could win.

Looking at the bigger picture after the 2012 election, two of the four candidates were public officeholders: the two Azano is said to have backed.

  • Richard Gorin
  • Hillcrest

Real Life Stories

Your article, “Ode to a Mouse,” was a wonderful read. It was such a feel-good story; it put me in a good mood for the rest of the day.

I really wish the Reader and other publications would focus on positive, uplifting real life stories like this more often, especially focused on community members throughout San Diego County. Thank you for printing it. I look forward to reading more like it.

  • Lori Sherer
  • Clairemont

Dump Him!

To Stiffed, who wrote a query to the Hipster about a nontipping boyfriend. Dump this potential boyfriend today! If he would stiff a poor waiter/waitress, withholding even a nominal tiny tip, I doubt he’ll be generous and kind with you.

Hipster, you sure missed the boat on this one. Some jobs are so difficult, and waiters must already deal with a fickle, irate public. Ask any waitperson and you’ll probably hear horror stories about customers taking out their general aggression on the wait staff. I get inexpensive haircuts at Supercuts so I can afford to tip big. And I really couldn’t pay enough for those smiles of appreciation.

Bottom line, Hipster, if you want to grow old, look yourself in the mirror, and say, “Well, I’m a wrinkled-up old man now, but I sure hung on to my money by not tipping, even if I did cause some misery and disappoint some good waiters.”

I, personally, want to make somebody happy every day, whether it be with a genuine smile, a kind word, or — yes — a big tip. I can’t think of a better way to spend money.

  • Phyllis Hordin
  • via voicemail
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