Sempra picks up the tab all over town

Energy foodies

Ben Hueso’s breakfast from Sempra cost only $13.89 — almost the cheapest food freebie of the month.

Assemblyman Ben Hueso sat down to talk with representatives of San Diego–based Sempra Energy at Chula Vista’s Country Waffles on September 8, according to the company’s recent third quarter lobbying report. His tab was $13.89. The utility giant also paid the tab of Robert Pullen-Miles, mayor of Lawndale and staffer for Hueso’s fellow Democrat Autumn Burke, on August 15 at the Flip it Cafe in Inglewood, tab $12. Meanwhile, Burke’s legislative staffer Jarron Brady got a $151.80 suite ticket to a Pit Bull concert at Sacramento’s Sleep Train Arena from cell-phone purveyor AT&T. Down at the Barona Casino in San Diego’s East County, Democratic Assembly wannabe Todd Gloria picked up a free meal worth $42.50 at the Italian Cucina on July 14. His fellow Assembly hopefuls who got the same included Mae Torlakson, Ash Kalra, and Jane Kim. Republican state senator Joel Anderson, positioning himself for a race for county supervisor after he is termed out, got a meal worth $16.75 at the Brigantine in La Mesa on July 15 courtesy of Barona. GOP assemblyman Scott Wilk and wife ate $29 worth of food the same day. The biggest food freebie of all was given by Barona to Republican assemblywoman Melissa Melendez, who with her husband and daughter consumed a $338.73 meal on August 11. Fellow Republican Rocky Chavez and his wife were close behind, with $225.82 on August 11. GOP assemblyman Jay Obernolte and wife got the same.

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