What to do between Game of Thrones seasons

Must we just wait patiently?

Dear Hipster:

It’s once again that saddest time of year, when Game of Thrones goes off the air, and I’m left with nothing to look forward to every week. I know it’s summer, and I should be happy being able to lounge on the beach or have cookouts, but I love the ritual of waiting for GoT. It may be a small part of my life, but those ten weeks a year have become invested with serious importance for me! What can I find to replace it?


— Daryl

The smart money’s on Preacher (conveniently airing Sunday evenings on AMC) as the cool kids’ Game of Thrones placebo of choice, so perhaps start there. Otherwise, might you just extend your week of hopefulness by a factor of 42? If seven days of anticipation are good, then waiting till next April must be better! Hipsters had to wait 20 years for a new Feelies record, and do you think we waited quietly? Well, yes, of course we did, since a lot of today’s hipsters were still spitting up apple juice and watching Sesame Street when Time for a Witness came out, but the intervening years provided ample opportunities for an entire generation of hipsters to discover their love for the underrated underground. Sometimes, it’s just better to wait patiently for the things you love than to spastically move on to the next thing.

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