Part of the problem

Dangerous and Illegal

Please do a bit more editorial review of your stringers. Siobhan Braun’s article re Adobe Falls as a destination begs danger and illegality.

Just last week, there was a helicopter evacuation in the area when a trespasser fell and was injured. The rough terrain made it impossible for the injured party to be easily/safely rescued.

The area is posted SDSU property and has been subject to numerous articles re trespassing. It’s very difficult to get to the area without trespassing on private property. Our community has been subjected to way too many people intrigued by the falls. Sure, some are innocent hikers, but others have been known to cause significant property damage.

Both the SDSU police and San Diego police have made it clear that they will cite anyone trespassing on the property. There’s just no good to be attained by proselytizing the area.

  • Name Withheld
  • Mission Valley

Lose the Chargers, Lose Reelection

I’m calling about the Neal Obermeyer cartoon with Mayor Faulconer talking about who is to blame over the Chargers (June 11).

The interesting side story with the Chargers is that whomever won the mayor’s office after the downfall of Bob Filner was almost assuredly guaranteed reelection in the upcoming election for mayor — unless, of course, something bad was to happen. And it appears that it has!

If the Chargers, in fact, do leave, then Mr. Faulconer will lose voters in the next election. In addition to that, some of the sneaky moves by Mr. Fabiani have made Kevin Faulconer appear somewhat easy to fool, easy to trick. Kevin got tricked and fooled by the Chargers, and it’s making him look incompetent. And for that, he will lose votes.

Kevin comes across as a nice, decent human being, and a kind person. But there have been some incidents downtown where he shows his real colors, and sometimes, instead of a benevolent personality, he sometimes comes across as vindictive and short-tempered, even though his public relations machine is trying to groom him to look much more humane than that.

If we lose the Chargers — and, personally, I think we are going to lose them — I believe that Faulconer will lose a number of ballot voters. Will it be enough to cost him reelection? Well, that remains to be seen.

Just like in this Obermeyer cartoon and the “billion-dollar bullet,” we now have to figure out who is to blame. It’s making Faulconer look really bad. His party knows they’re in political trouble if they lose the Chargers. They know this.

I didn’t vote for him, but one day I was standing with my candidate’s speech sign in my hand. Faulconer drove by, looked at me, and flipped me off. So, that pretty much told me that he’s not quite as nice of a man as what they claim he is. There’s another side to him, and now the voters are probably going to see it, and then we’ll see what happens.

He may still make it anyway, because Bob Filner screwed up so badly and people are not going to forget. So, we’ll see what happens!

I like the Reader a lot. It’s a nice little magazine. Keep up the great work.

  • Dennis Martinez
  • Downtown
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