Hillcrest boba station open on Fifth Ave

Trinitea Tea expands service, decorates with glorious artworks

Brown sugar milk tea snow posing seductively

Great Wow/Trinitea Tea

3865 Fifth Avenue, San Diego


Trinitea Tea

8680 Navajo Road #109, San Carlos, CA

Does anyone remember when “bubble tea” was the new hotness? The raging popularity of milk tea loaded with swollen tapioca balls created a niche market overnight, and opened the gate for a bubble bubble, so to speak, and the overvalued boba houses came and went like 17th-century Dutch tulips!


Okay, maybe that’s hyperbolic, but it’s still a surprise to see a new boba tea house, Trinitea Tea, open in the high-rent real estate along 5th Avenue in Hillcrest. This would be the business’s second location, with the original still open on Navajo Road.

Trinitea's gallery of Kinkade-esque paintings secured south of the border

Perhaps the secret to their success is the full gallery of Mexican Thomas Kinkade knockoffs displayed inside?!

Brown sugar milk tea ($3.49 for a “grande,” $3.99 for a “venti”) is well and good, not to mention sweet enough to inspire immediate tooth brushing, but it’s the bucolic cottage scenes on the wall — interspersed with the occasional “Winslow Homer on Valium” sailing ship — that give Trinitea its edge.

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