Legalese in long-hand

From jail, Michael T. Pines says some trying to murder him

During the housing crisis, North County attorney Michael T. Pines advised clients who had lost their homes to foreclosure to break in and retake the house, even though new owners had taken title.

Pines was disbarred in 2012. He is now in the San Diego County Jail and filing lawsuits in long hand.

Michael T. Pines

On April 15, federal court in San Diego filed Pines's petition for a writ of habeas corpus (supposedly reporting an unlawful imprisonment) against the people of the State of California.


"I am requesting the appointment of counsel as I have no funds," Pines writes. The writ itself is located at Patton State Hospital, a mental facility in San Bernardino. The writ is under the care of a psychiatrist and psychologist who tended him there, Pines says. He complains that he has filed motions, including one to disqualify the San Diego district attorney, which the court refuses to set for a hearing.

On April 20, Pines filed a suit for violation of his civil rights against the psychiatrist and psychologist at Patton who are holding his writ for safekeeping. The two psychology professionals were supervising his case, he says.

Pines complains of "systematic denial of prisoner's constitutional rights...cruel and unusual punishment...denial of free speech" and other alleged abuses such as denial of due process. Pines claims he was "forced to enter into guilty pleas in state courts in San Diego...while incompetency proceedings were still pending."

Pines claims that "two dangerous criminals" have "plotted the murder of [Pines] and some of his associates." He also charges that a "sovereign citizen group" plotted "to cause [Pines's} death."

Charges Pines, "There was, and is, a criminal conspiracy by the state court judges, D.A.s, public defenders, and county doctors to use false medical reports to hold accused persons indefinitely in custody and intentionally deprive them of their constitutional rights."

(Note: Michael T. Pines is not to be confused with Michael Pines, a personal injury attorney.)

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