What's in the in-box


Great selection for last week’s Rhyme and Verse, Rudyard Kipling’s “If” (April 16). Because of San Diego’s military presence, I strongly recommend one of his other poems, “The Thousandth Man.”

I did not know about the death of his two children. So sad.

  • Teddy Rodosovich
  • via voicemail

Contradiction and Disobedience

This is in response to the letter titled “WWIII Is Upon Us,” in the April 16 Reader.


According to scholars, the Old Testament, or Torah, was written in a style of literature with symbolism, hyperbole, and exaggeration used to emphasize a point in opposition to evil, although defense against unjust physical aggression was committed.

The New Covenant believers say it clarifies or fulfills the Old Testament, or Torah. They say that when the old has been fulfilled, the new will be revealed.

The evil done by historically false Christians was done in contradiction and in disobedience to the New Covenant. But the evil done by Islamic terrorists is apparently in obedience to the sixth-century Saudi Arabic instructions, and their so-called scriptures.

  • Name Withheld
  • La Mesa

Pushing the Grey Area

Re: News Ticker, “Reduce Water and Continue Building? Huh?

Kudos, Don Bauder. Yes, why would we want to build thousands of condos that we don’t have the water for? Doesn’t make much sense, huh?

I was listening to one of the water gurus on KPBS the other day talking about how we need to start being creative on this matter.

I lived in Hawaii for 15 years. Over there it’s pretty common for people to run their grey water from their house to the banana patch or garden (all that soap is full of nutrients, especially old-fashioned Tide), and nobody hassles them about it. How much of a difference would 50 to 80 gallons of water a day make to your landscape if it went out into your yard through soaker hoses or irrigation lines pushed out through micro pumps or by gravity?

Wouldn’t the sewage treatment plant love that? Haven’t they been complaining for years that they can’t handle the volume they’re given? And isn’t the city in trouble over that because their output into the ocean doesn’t meet federal guidelines? And wouldn’t that cut your water bill by two-thirds, because you’re not putting that water into the sewer? Lastly, wouldn’t this create jobs and a cottage industry around using grey water in your landscape for plumbers and landscapers?

  • James Comstock
  • Clairemont
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