Two great things

The schedule is pretty thin this week but there a few highlights.

New York Polyphony

St. James by-the-Sea Episcopal Church

743 Prospect Street, San Diego


Schulman Auditorium at Carlsbad City Library

1775 Dove Lane, Carlsbad

There are a couple of great things happening this week.

On Friday evening, at St. James-by-the-Sea Episcopal in La Jolla, New York Polyphony will be performing a concert of Thomas Luis de Victoria’s O Quam Gloriosum. There will be other pieces on the program as well but the Victoria is the main attraction.


New York Polyphony is an all-male quartet who specialize in chant, early polyphony, and renaissance music — think of them as doo-wop group from the 16th century. They have been successful with their four recordings and recently received a Grammy nomination.

The concert is at 7:30 p.m. on Friday, October 5th.

Another great thing this week is a pre-Macbeth lecture at the Carlsbad City Library. Professor Ron Shaheen from USD will be giving lectures about upcoming Met Live in HD Broadcasts.

The lectures take place the week before the broadcast is scheduled to hit theaters. Verdi’s Macbeth, based on Shakespeare’s Macbeth will be in theaters on October 11th so the lecture is this Saturday, October 4th, at 10 a.m.

The lecture is free and is scheduled to last about an hour.

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