Ass or eyes?

"Sexy" or "beautiful" — can we tell the difference?

Less ass, more eyes. Well, let's be realistic. Same amount of ass, and add the eyes.

What am I getting at? Recently the Aviara Trio gave a performance of Rachmaninoff's Arabesque no. 1 and I realized, yet again, that there is an ocean of beautiful music out there that I don't even know exists.


If I were to speak in broad terms, there is more beautiful music that most of us haven't heard than we have heard.

For my own part, the majority of that music is in the chamber music category, so far as I know.

But what's up with ass and eyes?

I’m using those terms to quantify two general yet related categories. Ass represents sexuality and eyes represents beauty.

The discovery of that Rachmaninoff piece got me to thinking about whether or not I experience something beautiful each and every day, and if I do, how often to I recognize it.

I think at times I get sexy confused with beautiful. I’m pretty sure I’m not alone in this. By and large, our sexuality is appealed to much more often than our sense of beauty.

I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I observe something I consider sexy each and every day, but what about beauty?

An ass might be great today but it will ultimately be something less than perfect at some point in time. The appeal of the ass is temporary.

The beauty of the eyes is something that is more enduring and more fulfilling. Looking at someone’s ass is one thing but looking into their eyes is something different. The ass attracts us but eyes keep us.

Believe it or not this tiny rumination is going somewhere specific concerning music.

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