Nothing stank with Balboa Park Celebration, Inc.

Some contracts awarded sloppily, but audit found little fault

City auditor Eduardo Luna's report of what went wrong at the fizzling of Balboa Park Celebration, Inc., points few fingers


According to a report released today, October 1, the committee got $3.08 million in funding, mainly from the City of San Diego or related entities, but only raised $388,909 from private donors and $100,000 from San Diego Gas & Electric, despite spending a lot of money on branding and fundraising.

"We found several instances where [Balboa Park Celebration, Inc.] awarded contracts without going through the required procurement processes," said the report. In other instances, the committee did not fully comply with a portion of the memorandum of understanding. The city had "limited oversight" over the activities. The committee went through four chief executive officers in nearly two years.

Some of the blame went to former mayor Bob Filner, as could have been expected. He will probably be blamed for everything that goes wrong in San Diego in the next ten years.

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