Congressman Issa gets his leg pulled

Retweeted images of Oswald, Himmler, and other murderers

Issa (or a staffer) didn't recognize the photo of Nazi commander Heinrich Himmler

North County congressman Darrell Issa, who swept back into office Tuesday. November 4, is embarrassed about his planned celebration for a week later, Veterans Day, Tuesday, November 11.

According to Americablog and, somebody on Issa's staff had the idea of having people send in photos of relatives who fought in America's wars in honor of Veterans Day.


It was an invitation to wise guys.

Some photos who showed up: Heinrich Himmler, one of the most powerful members of the Nazi Party and greatly responsible for the Holocaust; Lee Harvey Oswald, assassin of John F. Kennedy; Lt. William Calley, who ordered the My Lai massacre in Vietnam; and Timothy McVeigh, who bombed the building in Oklahoma City.

According to, "Issa's staff has already caught on to the gag, but thanks to the Sunlight Foundation's 'Politwoops' tool that stores the tweets of various politicians for eternity, we were able to catch some of the instances in which Issa got hardcore Punk'd."

Although Issa's staff caught the hoaxes (for which the blogs have come up with the hashtag #twittergate), there is talk that somebody on Issa's social media team will get a spanking.

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