Former ethics commissioner doesn't provide info to state bar

No proof of attendance at abstinence self-helf group

Krishna Haney, a former commissioner of the San Diego Ethics Commission appointed by ex-Mayor Jerry Sanders, got in trouble with the California State Bar last year. In 2011, her car struck an emergency call box. She pleaded with a witness not to call 911, because she did not have money for health or auto insurance and didn't want her car seized. She admitted she had taken Clonezepam, Cymbalta, Flexeril, and hydrocodone that day and ultimately pleaded guilty to driving under the influence of hydrocodone. In 2013, the bar declared that she must submit reports to the Office of Probation, providing results of lab tests and proving her attendance at abstinence-based self-help meetings.

She is still member of the bar and permitted to practice law in California, but her report on the bar website shows that she failed to provide blood and/or urine samples due in July, August, November, and December of 2013, and January through June of 2014. In addition, she failed to submit a quarterly report due in January of 2014. Also, she failed to provide to the Office of Probation proof of attendance at two meetings per month of abstinence-based self-help groups in April, May and June of 2014.

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