New Orleans poaching

Louisiana tourism officials put $8500 into the Gator by the Bay food and music festival.

There’s been a bit of argument lately in San Diego over how and how much tourist tax money to spend promoting San Diego to out-of-towners as a visitor destination, but meanwhile the State of Louisiana has returned the favor. According to a budget report to the state legislature, the Louisiana Association of Convention and Visitors Bureaus and the state tourism office teamed up to put a combined $8500 into San Diego’s Gator by the Bay food and music festival earlier this month. “It is an excellent opportunity to experience a taste of Louisiana with fresh boiled crawfish and other Cajun/Creole cuisine available for attendees,” says the report, noting that the state “will sponsor a stage and be provided with a 10x10 exhibit booth to showcase and distribute Louisiana travel-related promotional literature.” Other official Big Easy sponsorships this year include the Bayou Bash in Houston ($7000); the Boston Globe Travel Show ($13,500); and the Chicago Blues Festival ($25,000).

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