
It Ends Badly

Regarding the March 8 cover story, “Bad House,” I just finished this story. I enjoyed it a lot, and when I got to the last page, which was page 40, the story ends with no period, with no writer’s name, and without a complete sentence.

Susie Perkins
via voice mail

No End To It

I’m calling about your March 8 front-page story, “Bad House.” I’m reading it, and when I got to the end, there really was no end on page 40. It just ended saying “Maybe something can be done. Maybe you”

Nothing else.

Why does the Reader do these stupid things? This isn’t the first time that I’ve called up about no end to the story that you publish. I’d appreciate it if you’d have something next week about what the end of the story was.


Name Withheld
via voice mail

Detail Oriented

Maybe you. Maybe you. How about doing a story on Maybe you. Maybe you could print the rest of the story. Maybe you could check the paper before it goes out. Maybe you could pay attention to detail. Or maybe you decided to end the story like that. Who knows? Maybe you know.

Nicholas Henry
Mission Beach

The last two paragraphs of “Bad House” were the following:

Maybe something can be done. Maybe you can find one of those Bird Rock or Clairemont neighbors and ask them how they did it.

Maybe you stay.

Take It Away

Re “Bad House” (Cover Story, March 8).

What the cops are supposed to do is to put the owner of the crack house on notice that his tenant is violating the law and then give him a reasonable amount of time to kick out the tenant. If the property owner doesn’t do this, then the City would take the property away from the owner.

The neighbors could do the same thing by going into small claims court, and each neighbor would claim the maximum amount permitted by the small claims court. I think the maximum neighbors that would be allowed would be ten — I’m not sure. They get their judgments, then the neighbors take the property if the owner can’t pay the judgments.

Name Withheld
via email

Ugly Camo

Re “A Tougher Law Than Arizona’s?” (“City Lights,” March 1).

Just when I thought I had heard the last of civil/human rights violations, this comes along: the Protection from Transnational Gangs Act initiative of 2012. Ted Hilton would like us to believe that 60 percent of gangmembers in L.A. County are illegal aliens and that 420,000 illegal aliens are sexual predators. Please don’t insult our intelligence. This appears to me to be “camouflage racism.”

The initiative aims to override sanctuary laws passed by some localities. The sanctuary movement arose from nondenominational churches to provide temporary shelter to those in need. These include those seeking political asylum and those seeking a place where the immigration process can begin. Many have spent time here and have families here but no legal avenue to turn to.

This initiative comes from a man that wants to deny public benefits to those without legal status (Alabama and Arizona are already doing that). He wants to require a new type of birth certificate for children of parents unable to verify their legal status (reminds me a little of Germany during the Holocaust!). Anyway, children are people, too, no matter their nationality.

We all agree on the need for immigration reform, but this is not the answer.

P.S. People talk about the “melting pot” that is America. We are the melting pot and very much a part of the American dream in this wonderful nation!

Cesar Lopez
Chula Vista

You’re Wrong, All Wrong

I just read “Reactions Mixed over School Taser Incident" (“SD on the QT,” March 1), and I was wondering if this was fiction or truth, because it says that it was at an elementary school that does not exist. I know for a fact that it happened at Correia Middle School because that’s where my son attends. I just happened to be there, and they also asked my son to take in his iPod to make sure it wasn’t one of the ones stolen, and I know the boy who was taken in. It was an eighth-grader; it wasn’t a three-foot-ten-inch six-year-old. So, I was just wondering, is this story fiction or is it supposed to be fact? Because everything I read in here is completely wrong.

Linda Nilson

“SD on the QT” is the Reader’s “almost factual news” feature. — Editor

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