
Disgraceful x2

I wanted to make a comment about the cover of the Reader for June 28 (“Year-Round Santa”). There are children that see these pictures that would be absolutely traumatized if they saw that horrible picutre of Santa Claus. I know you guys do some far-out things. I don’t mind it because I look at the Reader and all that, but I think this is absolutely disgraceful. I was mortified.


You should not be putting things like that on the front of the Reader for children to see. It’s a tough enough world without them seeing something like this looking vicious and hateful and mean and disgusting, when children relate to Santa Claus as something positive.

I was mortified. It’s just disgraceful that children would see something like that.

Penny Anderson
Chula Vista

Got Rhythm

I’m calling regarding “The Only Jack” article on Jack Pinney (June 28). You always knew where the rhythm was coming from when you had Greg Willis and Jack Pinney in the band. Fantastic musicans. Thanks for being there.

Mike Millsap
via voicemail

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