Shortcuts - Chris Hultsch

Chris Hultsch, aka 2-Viciouz

Car: 1997 Nissan Sentra

Previous Cars: 2001 Pontiac Grand Am with 20” rims.

What’s your commute like?: I drive from my crib in Allied Gardens to my work [Target] in Mission Valley. Beyond work, I just dip and dab from here to there.

Cheapest gas? I use unleaded…


What’s wrong with your car? The check-engine light is wrong, which is fairly unspecific. The nice thing about Nissans and Hondas is they don’t break a lot.

What do you listen to when you drive? Mainly hip-hop, like Tech9, but also some of myself. I perform and post on, where people can share their music with each other.... I go under the title of 2-Viciouz, so look me up!

Tickets? I’ve got a clean driving record. I only speed when the cops aren’t around.

Accidents? In the Pontiac, I was making a left on a yellow arrow and some dude hit me. Insurance company pins that on me, obviously, and I got hit up for mad money.

Worst Traffic? Oh, man, that exit on 8 West for Mission Valley is just awful. The 805 merges right there and traffic comes to a stop while people are trying to merge. I see about an accident per day there.

Favorite Drive? To be honest, I like these back streets around Waring Road. Where it’s sorta quiet and kind of secluded. I like Navajo Road all the way into La Mesa...just cruising and quiet.

Least Favorite Drive? Any drive where I’m not gonna like what I see when I get there.

Shortcut? You can take Mission Gorge all the way into Santee to avoid the traffic on the 8.

What’s your dream car? ‘90, ‘93 Mustang 5.0 convertible or maybe a Lancer Evolution. I like all Evos, even the old ones, pimped out of course.

Favorite racing series? Definitely drifting. It’s not really racing, but I like the show-off aspect.

Real-life Shortcut? When I get home from work I put all my pocket items in one spot. Then if I need to not forget anything when I leave the house I stash that by my pocket collection, under my keys.

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