
Independent Blood-Suckers

Joe Deegan’s article (“Paul People,” Cover Story, April 5) on Ron Paul’s popularity with people discovering the Libertarian point of view as presented by Dr./Rep. Paul shows the tunnel vision I think most people are guilty of: “single-facet thinking.” People who think they can take care of themselves and no one has to help them if they have no insurance — it’s their choice — choose to ignore the fact that we-all will have to chip in for their care, without them having contributed to the pot. Such people suck the blood out of everyone else in the name of independence and think of themselves as credits to the nation.

Also, they think all the problems caused by human nature — self-interest — can be resolved immediately or within a lifetime or two? There is no way to produce a “fair” system. None! Everyone has their own idea of “fair,” and those who enter and succeed at political leadership find themselves having to go along to get along: hand washing; it’s the natural order of things. The people Deegan interviewed are, in my opinion, naive. I had the solution to all the nation’s problems on a website for over ten years, with not a single email telling me to stuff it or plead for me to run for chief facilitator of planet earth. Not one!

I have been left with the only thing of intelligence to say about the failure of America to mature with experience: Tstagunish helphin!


Saul Harmon Gritz
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Stockton Loves Paul

Super-big thank you for the article on Saint Paul, from San Joaquin County for Liberty Stockton, Ca.

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Hidden In That Tea Bag

To the Paul People (“Paul People,” Cover Story, April 5):

I very much appreciate your bringing out into the open that the Tea Party is corporate and wants only no taxes on corporations and taxes to be spent on corporate war profiteers. I appreciate and support Ron Paul’s not wanting to participate in foreign aggressive wars of conquest completely and wish that he could be an independent candidate to challenge Obama’s foreign policy. And I appreciate his position if he believes in states having more power over domestic policy. But I don’t support a complete anarchist policy because that would ensure dictatorship by the corporations and be disaster for our environment as well as our working people. And I have heard that Ayn Rand needed government assistance at the end of her life in her old age. We are a stronger civilization when we participate together in a nonprofit way for health, education, environment, and peace.

Val Sanfilippo
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I Have The True Truth

This is a comment to the man who wrote about the Hindu religion (Letters, April 5), and the real truth is that they fall way short of Christianity and don’t care for nor like our Lord Jesus Christ.

Christianity is the only true religion and is never superseded by any other religion, and unless you have Jesus and know Him you’ll always have peace. The Hindu religion forces us to worship graven images, and they do this every time the light is shed on them. They are enemies of our Lord God, which we only worship. In conclusion, the Hindu religion has a great deal to learn about Christians and Christianity.

Name Withheld by Request
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