
Career Counselor

I believe Siobhan Braun needs a reality check (“For My Birthday, My Husband Bought Me a House,” Cover Story, November 17). You should be on your knees every night thanking God for a husband who loves you and three healthy (I assume, since you hardly mentioned them) children, as well as your house. If you got off your tush and got a job, you might realize how hard it is to earn a dollar these days, rather than whining that employers only want to look at your body. Go take a couple of classes at a community college so you can use their counseling office to see what you might be interested in learning to become good at: something besides housework and picking up dog poop. I’m not belittling those activities, they can be very rewarding and a blessing to your family, but once kids are in school, they don’t need you quite as much. Marriage is a partnership, and your husband is asking for your help (in a sort of roundabout, male way) — renegotiate! Have you saved for your retirement? Your children’s college education? Made a living trust in case, God forbid, he gets hit by a truck? Do you have enough life insurance? All these things cost money, just like those windows he researched so carefully, so as not to waste money. Sure, it’s easy to criticize when you’re not earning those dollars.

You write quite well; perhaps you could be an editor — maybe the Reader could use your skills — be a school bus driver — they’ll teach you how to discipline all kinds of kids — be a nurse (although you sound a bit too selfish for that), be a dog trainer (who doesn’t like golden retrievers?), just do something! It will be a good example to your kids that Mom worked hard to find a job. And your husband will be so grateful he might pick up his socks or learn to do laundry himself — do your kids do chores? Their future spouses will be grateful if they have skills as well!


Rebecca Kiperts
Mission Village


The blog entry printed in the November 10 issue titled “The Dead Pool, RIP: Kazumi and Spread,” which said that “Spread in North Park is apparently gone,” was in error. The restaurant remains open. We regret the error.

The Grand Gay Plan

Regarding the column in “Sporting Box” on Sandusky, it better be known that now that the State of California has mandated the teaching of homosexual history in all grades and in all schools, the parents of California should be ready to experience what the parents of Sandusky’s victims are going through right now. The homosexuals will not stop until they have corrupted every child they can get their hands on in the schools and in the surrounding areas. What happened at Penn State will occur in every school in the California public school system.

Name Withheld
via voice mail

Hot Horse

This is regarding Chad Deal’s “Crasher” on November 17. His friend’s colloquialism — “You look like you’ve been rode hard and put away wet” — is not “enigmatic.” It refers to a horse having been ridden hard, which makes the horse sweat a lot, known as a lather. The horse should be dried and brushed before being stabled.


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