City Outsources Future Moves

Strapped for cash, the City of San Diego is looking for private movers, according to a recent request for bid for “office relocation services” posted on its website. The City “requires the services of a Moving/Relocation service to relocate staff on an as needed basis,” the request says. “The scope of work may consist of moving one or two employees and their equipment, moving equipment to storage, or relocating entire City departments from one location to another. Moves may take place between floors in the same building or moving between buildings a number of miles apart.” The exact numbers of future moves is unknown, the request says, but based on past experience the contract is estimated to be valued at between $250,000 and $300,000 a year…Meanwhile, the City is also looking for a consultant to help it stage an emergency exercise simulating a “wildfire, similar to the 2003 and 2007 wildfires, which will include mass care and shelter operations and incorporate the activation of a mega-shelter within the City.”

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