Chicken Milk Alien Babies

When the Homeless Sexuals play the Radio Room Friday night, it’ll be their first show in nine months. “The band was breaking up,” said singer Davit Buck. “The other four members wanted to do other projects and, as usual, I overreacted and tried to replace everyone from MySpace bulletins and craigslist ads. I would get replies back saying, ‘Great band, but you guys need a new singer, that guy sucks.’


“Then I got an email from Freakfilms, saying that they wanted to use our song ‘Chicken Milk Alien Babies’ in a documentary film about concert-poster art, American Artifact. At first, I thought it was fake because I’ve dealt with others who say they have a film and want to use our music, and then the guy says he needs $500 to represent us.”

The movie’s producer, Merle Becker, worked on Beavis and Butthead, Daria, and Cartoon Sushi before leaving MTV in 2000 to start Freakfilms. The documentary includes artwork and interviews with Stanley Mouse, Coop, Scrojo, Winston Smith, Frank Kozik, and others.

“Getting the film offer made me stop trying to rebuild the band,” said Buck, a poster artist who draws all his band’s flyers and record sleeves. “The song was written about a painting I did called Chicken Milk, with alien babies in flying saucers and wearing dunce hats.”

As for money, Buck said, “I don’t think we’ll get a lot. We get a percentage of the music budget, which is split between ten bands.” The film — due later this year — will also include music by Phish and Jello Biafra.

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