
Sin #4

Re the Madaffer article (“Breaking News,” May 22). It does not surprise me anymore. I worked for the City for 40 years and witnessed more and more corruption. It all boils down to greed, one of the seven deadly sins.

M. Slupe
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Due to an editorial error, the “Batty” “Blurt” item in last week’s issue incorrectly referred to Tiger Army as a local band. They are based in L.A.

Impressed And Appalled

I’ve been visiting San Diego for the last five months, once a month, from Austin, Texas. I always pick up the Reader. I was so impressed with the May 15 feature article, “If I Did That Over There, They’d Cut My Hands Off” that I’ve passed along the website link to my church chat list.

Bill Manson did a wonderful job of putting a human face (well, actually several) on Islam. I’ve heard various Muslim speakers in the past few years and have read a bit, but reading this one article presents evidence that we all need to understand: that we are more alike than not, even with our very different cultural, public appearances. Like Einstein said, “Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding.” Thanks for helping with that.

Now, a completely different comment and criticism. I am appalled at the endless amount of ads in your paper that are aimed towards girls and women that tout unrealistic body and “beauty” images. I cringe to think of how many young women read your paper and see those ads. Media images that help to create cultural definitions of beauty and attractiveness are often acknowledged as being among those factors contributing to the rise of eating disorders. You did good with your Muslim article. How about doing right by our girls and women? I hope you understand.

Name Withheld
By Request

Another Job Well Done

I enjoyed reading Bill Manson’s article, “If I Did That Over There, They’d Cut My Hands Off,” appearing in your May 15 edition. It was informative, thoughtful, and reinforcing. About eight years ago you ran a similar story about my brother driving a cab during the day and going to school at night. He now is a successful dentist. Since then, time and again, you have proven to be my choice of news medium for thoughtful and excellent reporting. Thank you, and keep up the good work.

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Fine Points Of The Trinity

This is in response to the May 15 cover story, “If I Did That Over There.” Just to clarify, he didn’t understand the Trinity. First Century New Covenant did not say God is three persons. In the original Koine Greek, he said that the Father, Who is spirit, expresses Himself as the Son of God, which is a pre-Christian Hebrew title meaning the spirit of God in the human body, according to the New Testament, and therefore it’s persona through the mask of, according to your church fathers, and God through the mask of Father, Son, Spirit, not three persons. The Koine Greek said He and the Father and Son are one and the same divine essence. So I think the word “personal trinity” I don’t use, but that manifestation is there. So “role” or “manifestation” would be much better than “persons.” And research indicates the Koran, most of it is linked heavily on the Old and New Testament copied down in sixth-century Saudi Arabic with a lot of beliefs in the sixth-century Saudi Arabian culture that contradicted a lot of that good in the Old and New Testaments.

Name Withheld
La Mesa


Re “Less Dense. Fewer Homeless. More Sky” (Feature Story, May 8). How could Darren Thompson, who claims to be in his 30s, possibly have seen Jamie Lee Curtis riding on her dad’s (Tony Curtis’s) shoulders in Coronado while Curtis was filming Some Like It Hot? The film was made in 1959, so Thompson wasn’t even born yet.

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