Mother of Mogadishu

Now that it’s been announced that Padres owner John Moores is splitting up with wife Becky and she is presumed to be in line under California law for half her husband’s substantial net worth, a little foundation she established last year seems worth watching. Called the Moores Foundation for New Americans, the group’s cause is the “education of Sudanese refugees,” on which was spent a total of $75,597, according to a document filed with the IRS in May. As of last year, the only two donors to the fund were Becky, who gave $100,000, and her daughter Jennifer, once married to Jason McLeod, a Padre minor-league coach; she kicked in $50,000. Speaking of John Moores, on January 24 he gave $15,000 to Proposition 93, the ill-fated effort by incumbent state legislators to extend their terms. It was backed by state Democratic senator pro tem Don Perata, one of Moores’s favorite political beneficiaries.

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