Windansea, La Jolla

Chris served as a Navy SEAL until last November. "I hit the 20-year-mark," he says. "And I figured that was good, I'd retire. I'd spent more time here in San Diego than anywhere else, so I stayed." He learned to surf nine years ago and did so as often as he could while in the service. Now that he's retired, he comes out at least once a week. "I go pretty much where it's breaking; mostly central San Diego, but occasionally to Swami's in Encinitas. That's the good thing about a small car like this; it doesn't eat as much gas if you're driving around looking for good surf conditions."


Chris bought his 2006 Scion based on family needs. "I had an old Mazda pickup, but traded it in when we had twin newborns. I can get the twins and their car seats and everything in this; couldn't fit all that in the old truck. Besides, the headrests pop off real easy and the front seat folds down so you can slide a multitude of boards in there." Chris carries a soft-top longboard and an Al Merrick fish.

His favorite time surfing was during his honeymoon in July of 2005 at San Jose del Cabo in Baja. "I was sitting out there and these double and triple overheads came rolling in. I was sitting on the fish thinking I'm way outgunned . I didn't even want to paddle in because I would get slammed the closer I got to the beach. I stayed out there for hours and caught these great, hollowed, waves -- tubes almost every time. I was out there for four hours. By the time I came in I was dehydrated, exhausted, and hungry. That was the best day of surfing I've ever had."

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